I wanted to thank my two manly rescuers but had no idea how. They advised me to come back to their tree house and stay the night...I complied.
They kept whispering things about me that I couldn't quite make out...every once in awhile I heard a word or two..."perfect fit" was one...
I wondered what they were talking about and readied myself for the worst. What if they tried to take my virtue? How would Danielle ever take me back, if I ever were to get back to her? Who wants a whore of a Barbie? My fears were soon brought to ease. These were nice men.
So the two guys who came to my rescue took me back to their mountain lodge and offered me a martini. I declined due to my bad experience at the bar the first night of my abduction. They offered me muscle relaxers instead, and not knowing what they were, I thought..."Sure! I would love to relax!"
I took 4.
We sat and talked for hours. They were so sweet and kept telling me that I was fabulous. They both used to be part of the SLA, but disbanded because of their jaded view to conservationism. They both lived off of the land and took care of the rare and wonderful reptiles in the canyon.
I asked them if they ever missed having a woman around, since they were just two bachelors living with each other, and they both tittered and said, "Not at all!"
I didn't understand how they could survive day to day without female help, but they seemed fine.
I said my goodnights and went to my guest bed.
About 2AM I woke up and started walking around the quarters out of confusion and disorientation. I suddenly found myself witnessing something that I never expected to see...
My two rescuers were actually real live homosexuals!!!
I was dumbfounded!!! I stumbled back to my quarters and passed out, my muscles no longer ablr to support my skinny and tall frame...
I awoke naked in my room, with no memory of how my clothes came off!
I heard footsteps coming my way and hid in the vegettion...
The cuter one was coming into my room with a dress...
He explained that he was a tailor and amatuer fashin designer, and that he had dreamed of designing a gown for a woman of my looks, and wanted me to try this inaugural gown on and model it. I agreed, and told him that I would try it on.
I fell in love with this gown on first sight, and knew that I would rock it out!
I went to find the two poofs and thank them for their pills, dress, and hospitality in my new dress...
I stumbled upon a sight that I never wanted to see...
Oh NO! They were murdered!
I had led the SLA members right to their house!
How could I live with myself?
Then I noticed my old flame, blondie standing above their bodies. I felt sure that he was their murderer.
I turned to see more SLA henchmen, much to my horror...
They tackled me soon after...
My ex crush informed me that I was being taken back to SLA, and that the country would bleed soon, due to my actions....
1 comment:
Oh no!!! what happens next?! Poor Barbie...
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