When you last saw me, I was about to square of with the Queen Alien from the movie "Aliens". Even that Sigourney Weaver needed a robot suit to defeat her in the movie, and I don't have anything but a magic stick given to me by a deity...
"Find your inner strength", said Buddha within my heart...
I ignored my lack of self confidence and prepared for her lunge...
She came at me hard...but I took advantage of the rope still attached to her body from when she was lowered into the men's dressing room at Ford's Theatre and tripped her while attaching the rope to the footbridge as she fell...
She was hung like she was a witch suspect in the 1600's!
The only one left was my ex crush...I prepared to face him...
"Did you think that it would be this easy?" he asked.
"Actually, yes. I did". I replied.
"Silly Barbie...Tricks are for kids..." He said...
Suddenly, a second wave of troops arrived, who called themselves the "Best Buddies".
Oh no! Six more men to fight!
I thought back to Buddha for strength...
What do I do, Boo?
"Forces of Good will come to your aid." , he reassured me...
I longed for my murdered poof friends...
Suddenly, Buddha brought them back to life!...
I heard a charge of thunder, and all of the dinosaurs who were going to be slaughtered by the SLA were charging onto the scene...
The poofs yelled for the dinosaurs to attack!
It was a MASSACRE!
"What do I do?" I asked them...
"This is one man that you must surely face by yourself" the cuter one said...
"Time's up, babe...your fruity boy's friends may have killed my "Best Buddies", but not me...It's time to have a serious discussion about our relationship...up CLOSE!"
I prepared for the fight of my life...
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